Elicos – General English

ELICOS - General English

The ELICOS General English course is aimed to provide core English language skills for all students to have the necessary skills to communicate effectively and confidently with a diverse range of people on a variety of topics frequently encountered every day.

CRICOS Course Code: 081502G


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“Improve your English skills and build confidence in interacting with other English speakers in Australia and abroad”

More Information


Students must complete an entry level test before enrolling in the General English course, be 18 years and above who have satisfactorily completed year 11 or equivalent.

Successful completion of this course may provide students access to ELICOS English for Academic Purposes for further studies and may also assist with gaining employment.

  • Learn written and spoken English for everyday situations;
  • Communicate with other students in the classroom and in real situations on class excursion projects;
  • Learn to speak and write accurately, fluently and clearly;
  • Extend your vocabulary and continue to develop cross-cultural communication skills;
  • Use English to help you enjoy living, working, or travelling in Australia.
Week Topic Language Focus Assessment Task
Week 1 Globalisation Continuous Verb forms Listening – Students listen to a dialogue and complete multiple choice questions
Week 2 Emotions Perfect verb forms Reading – Students are given 20 Questions to answer in a set time
Week 3 How to behave Modals and related verbs Speaking – Students are given a list of 5 topics and have to debate 2 of them in pairs
Week 4 Mind, body and spirit Adjective and adverbs Writing – Students have to write a 250 – 300 word argumentative essay
Week 5 Learning for life Passive forms Grammar Test – Students are given an Online Grammar test to complete
Week 6 Discussing Money Time phrases and tenses Listening – Students listen to a lecture and complete gap-fill
Week 7 Living together Infinitives and -ing forms Reading – Students are given 20 Questions to answer in a set time
Week 8 Art and style Adverbs and auxiliaries Writing – 50 word compare and contrast essay based on negotiated topic area
Week 9 21st Century Lifestyles Future forms Speaking – Students have to make a 10 minute presentation [using PowerPoint] about a future invention
Week 10 Truth and lies Noun phrases, eliipsis and substitution  All skills – Students [in groups] i have to carry out a survey on a negotiated topic

Assessments will incorporate a range of tasks that includes transactional speech through role-plays, listening for details, presenting topics of relevance and creating various formatted text.

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