Cert. III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology

AUR30620 Cert. III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology

This course covers the skills and knowledge required to perform a broad range of tasks on a variety of light vehicles in the automotive service and repair industry. The Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology prepares new employees or recognises and develops existing workers performing mechanical work in the automotive light vehicle service and repair industry. Job roles related to this qualification include light vehicle mechanical technician.

CRICOS Course Code: 103624M



“The Automotive Repair and Maintenance sector contains the highest proportion
of skill shortages”

Source: Automotive Environmental Scan 2014 / ASA

More Information




This qualification covers the skills and knowledge required to perform a broad range of tasks on a variety of light vehicles in the automotive retail, service and repair industry.

The target market for this course is international students who hold an appropriate visa and who are seeking to gain skills, knowledge and practice to find employment in the automotive retail, service and repair industry.

Students are not required to have prior work experience or relevant skills or knowledge in order to enter this course

Students must be over 18 years of age at the time of course commencement.Students must secure an appropriate visa that allows them to study in an Australian Registered Training Organisation prior to course commencement.

Academic Entry Requirements

To gain admission into this course, students must have successfully completed year 11 or secondary studies in their home country equivalent to Australian Year 11*.

(*Subject to the assessment level of that country and the course undertaken there. For more information please visit Ashton College’s website.)

English Language Entry Requirements

International Students applying for this qualification must have a minimum English language proficiency of IELTS 6.0 or an equivalent exam result recognised by the Department of Home Affairs.

Australian migration rules are based on Assessment Level (degree of safety) assigned to every immigrant nationality that goes from level 1 to level 4. The higher the Assessment Level means it can be difficult to get a visa. For further information, please visit Department of Home Affairs website. However, for Assessment Level 1 countries, you may not be asked to provide evidence of English Language with your Visa Application.

You must still take the Ashton College pre-entry placement test at Orientation. It is used as a guide to determine the level of language, literacy and numeracy required for competent performance.

Other equivalent English language proficiency level is deemed one of the following:

English language test providers

Minimum score

Minimum score and at least 20 weeks English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS)

International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

6 5
Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) 50


Alternatively, students may satisfy the English Language Entry Requirements by fulfilling any of one of the following:

  • In the 2 years before applying for the student visa, the student has completed, in Australia and in the English language, either the Senior Secondary Certificate of Education or a substantial component of a course leading to a qualification from the Australian Qualifications Framework at the Certificate IV or higher level, while you held a student visa;
  • The student has completed at least 5 years’ study in English in one or more of the following countries: Australia, UK, USA, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, or the Republic of Ireland;
  • You are enrolled in a principal course of study that is a registered school course, a standalone English Language Intensive Course for Overseas Students (ELICOS), or a registered post-graduate research course;
  • You are an applicant who is a Foreign Affairs or, Defence sponsored student or a Secondary Exchange student (AASES);
  • You are a citizen and hold a passport from UK, USA, Canada, NZ or Republic of Ireland.

Training Pathway

Students who successfully complete this qualification may progress onto:

  • AUR40216 Certificate IV in Automotive Mechanical Diagnosis or other relevant qualifications

Employment Pathway

This qualification may provide entry into employment in the following or related roles:

  • Light vehicle mechanical technician

All students are provided with the opportunity to have their prior learning and experience assessed and gain recognition for this. (Recognition of Prior Learning – RPL).

Students who have successfully completed whole units of competency included in this course with another RTO can apply for Credit Transfer. (CT)

The CT and RPL application processes are provided to students in pre-enrolment information in accordance with the RPL/ CT policy and procedure.

Learner needs are assessed at enrolment in accordance with the Enrolment Policy and Procedure. Applicants complete the Enrolment and Pre-Training Review and submit supporting documentation to enable Ashton College to assess whether the course is appropriate for addressing their individual learner needs.

Once applications are received, they are assessed to ascertain whether the course addresses individual learner needs. The College will review the applicant’s prior experience, knowledge and skills in coming to this decision.

Decisions on whether the course is appropriate for addressing the applicant’s learning needs and whether the applicant can address the entry requirements are made. Students with learning needs that require support are identified during the enrolment processes.

Support is provided for clients with identified needs in accordance with the Client Support Policy and Procedure.

Ashton College takes all feasible and reasonable steps to assist students during the course so they can successfully complete the course within the course schedule and achieve certification.

Reasonable adjustments will be made to ensure that the student is not presented with artificial barriers to demonstrating competency in the program of study. Reasonable adjustments may include the use of adaptive technology, educational support, and alternative methods of assessment such as oral assessment. Any adjustments made will be recorded in the student’s file.

The learning need that forms the basis of any adjustment to the training program will be identified and appropriate strategies will be agreed with the student. Any adjustments will be recorded in the student file.

Pre enrolment information

Ashton College provides information to students’ pre-enrolment on course demands and expectations via the Client Information Handbook and course information available on the Ashton College website. This information also identifies the process for assessing the learner needs during enrolment, the outcomes of assessment and details on how Ashton College supports individual learner needs post enrolment.


Ashton College delivers an orientation to students outlining course requirements, processes, demands, support services and general information prior to course commencement.

Monitoring student performance in class

During scheduled classes and supervised study sessions trainers monitor student performance when completing tasks, participation in learning activities, completing homework and through responses to questions and questions asked. Formative assessment is also routinely undertaken. Trainers identify student abilities/ progress, learning needs/ issues from undertaking the above activities.

Trainers provide support to students in each class depending on individual learning and support needs e.g. explain concepts again, providing more one to one support, putting them in groups where they can learn of other students during group work tasks, providing extra time to complete tasks or referring them to learning materials to develop their knowledge and understanding. Students can also approach trainers or the Student support officer at any time to access learning support services.

Learning methodologies are planned and implemented by trainers as they progress through each unit. Trainers structure classes depending on the topic and individual learning needs of each student cohort. Learning activities for one group may have more of an emphasis on developing knowledge for one unit and on developing foundation skills for another. The individual needs of the cohort are considered, and activities planned accordingly.

Students with English language learning issues may be allocated more groupwork to develop knowledge and soft skills at the same time as their English language ability. The English-speaking abilities of students from some countries is often stronger than their English writing ability i.e. Indian students. This may be the opposite for Chinese students who sometimes struggle more with speaking in English.

The issues arising from the education system students have been exposed to in some countries also influences the learning activities to develop knowledge and skills. Some countries have more of an emphasis on theoretical knowledge and subsequently students struggle when it comes to developing skills to apply knowledge in given contexts. Again, the learning activities chosen will reflect these individual learning needs.

Monitoring course progress

Ashton College monitors students course progress in accordance with the Client Support Policy and Procedure and the National Code 2018 Standard 8 requirements.

Student course progress is monitored and students at risk of failing to achieve satisfactory course progress are identified. Trainers monitor performance and progress in class and can initiate intervention support for students by completing documentation and forwarding this to the Course Coordinator. Student results on the SMS are also monitored every fortnight. Students identified at risk of not achieving satisfactory course progress are identified, counselled and where relevant have intervention strategies initiated.

The college provides assistance if the student is experiencing difficulties and not progressing through their course as per the course schedule.

Ashton College employs a range of support services where appropriate and feasible to support students learning needs during course delivery.

Access to appropriate support services is provided to assist students to successfully complete their course within the scheduled duration. Ashton College may refer students to external sources if they are unable to sufficiently provide support for students learning needs.

Refer to the Client Support and Completion Within Expected Duration policies and procedures for further details on how Ashton College monitors course progress and supports students to help ensure completion within the expected duration.

Students at Risk

Ashton College has intervention strategies, including student support services available to enable students to complete the qualification within the scheduled duration.

Students at risk of not completing their course within the scheduled duration are identified as early as possible.

Ashton College meets with all students who are not making satisfactory progress and with their agreement puts in place Intervention strategies to assist in their successful completion of the course.

Ashton College has defined “satisfactory progress” as successfully completing more than 50% of units undertaken in a study period.

Students who do not make satisfactory progress over two consecutive study periods will be reported in accordance with the requirements of the ‘The National Code 2018’.

This process is governed by Ashton College Client Support and Completion within Expected Duration Policy and Procedures.

Academic Support

Students who are experiencing difficulties with any aspect of their course are encouraged to contact their trainer or other relevant staff. Our trainers are able to provide academic support to facilitate the successful completion of your course.

LLN Support

Students who are experiencing language, literacy and numeracy difficulties during the course can access support from our trainers.

If the level of support required is outside of what the trainer can provide then Ashton College will arrange a referral to internal LLN support services within the Academic Department.

Welfare Support

We understand that our students sometimes require extra support to help them cope with their training course. Sometimes there can be personal issues that impact their successful course completion. We can assist students in accessing professional welfare services. Students who are experiencing personal/ welfare issues that are impacting their studies are encouraged to contact their trainer or other relevant support staff. Please refer to Client Information Handbook for contact details of support staff members.

Students must successfully complete a total of 36 units of competency to achieve the AUR30620 Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology qualification. This comprises 20 core units and 16 elective units. The course units are indicated in the table below.

Core Units

Unit code Unit title  Face to face delivery hours
AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplace 20
AURASA102  Follow safe working practices in an automotive workplace  20
AURETR112  Test and repair basic electrical circuits  40
AURETR123  Diagnose and repair spark ignition engine management systems  60
AURETR125  Test, charge and replace batteries and jump-start vehicles  20
AURETR129  Diagnose and repair charging systems  40
AURETR130  Diagnose and repair starting systems  40
AURETR131  Diagnose and repair ignition systems  40
AURLTZ101  Diagnose and repair light vehicle emission control systems  20
AURLTB103  Diagnose and repair light vehicle hydraulic braking systems  40
AURLTD104  Diagnose and repair light vehicle steering systems  30
AURLTD105  Diagnose and repair light vehicle suspension systems  30
AURLTE102  Diagnose and repair light vehicle engines  60
AURTTA104  Carry out servicing operations  20
AURTTA118  Develop and carry out diagnostic test strategies  40
AURTTB101  Inspect and service braking systems  20
AURTTC103  Diagnose and repair cooling systems  20
AURTTE104  Inspect and service engines  40
AURTTF101  Inspect and service petrol fuel systems  30
AURTTK102  Use and maintain tools and equipment in an automotive workplace  20

Elective Units

Unit code  Unit title Face to face delivery hours
AURETR124  Diagnose and repair compression ignition engine management systems  60
AURACA101  Respond to customer needs and enquiries in an automotive workplace  20
AURETR132  Diagnose and repair automotive electrical systems  80
AURLTQ101  Diagnose and repair light vehicle final drive assemblies  20
AURLTQ102  Diagnose and repair light vehicle drive shafts  20
AURLTX101  Diagnose and repair light vehicle manual transmissions  40
AURLTX102  Diagnose and repair light vehicle automatic transmissions  60
AURTTA017  Carry out vehicle safety inspections  20
AURLTX103  Diagnose and repair light vehicle clutch systems  30
AURTTB015  Assemble and fit braking systems and components  80
AURTTK001  Use and maintain measuring equipment in an automotive workplace  20
AURTTJ011  Balance wheels and tyres  20
AURTTF105  Diagnose and repair engine forced-induction systems  20
AURSCA101  Select and supply automotive parts and products  100
AURAFA103  Communicate effectively in an automotive workplace  20
AURSBA102  Identify and match uncommon automotive parts  40

The course is delivered over 82 weeks consisting of approximately 66 weeks tuition at 20 hours per week and 16 weeks of holidays. Students will participate in nominal(supervised) activities for a total of 1320 hours 66 weeks of tuition is split over six 11-week study periods and students will have five2-week term breaks plus 6weeks break for Christmas.

Classes are scheduled for 20 hours of face to face delivery per week consisting of 8 hours per day for 2 days and one day for 4 hours per week. In addition, students are expected to undertake 6 hours unsupervised independent study and assessment outside of scheduled class time per week. Please refer to the course delivery schedule for further details.

The approximate delivery hours for this course are as follows:

  • Face to face classes – 66 weeks x 20 hours per week = 1320 hrs
  • Independent study and assessment outside of class time – 66 weeks x 6 hours per week = 396 hrs
  • Total course hours: 1320 + 396 = 1716 hours

Students also have the option to attend supervised study sessions for 4 hours a week, although this is not included in the volume of learning.

Classes will consist of groups of between 16 – 20 students.

A face to face delivery mode is employed including classroom training, practical skills training and supervised study. All face to face delivery takes place in the Ashton College training facilities either at:

  • 1/167 Beavers Road, Northcote, VIC 3011 or
  • 10/87 Hallam South Road, Hallam, VIC 3803

Students will be timetabled to attend class at either of the above campus locations. Students will also be supported outside of face to face class time through e-mail and/or telephone.  Trainers will advise students about the delivery schedule.

Some units are delivered stand-alone, and some are clustered together for delivery. An understanding of the relationships between unit subjects is developed throughout the course.

A timetable is given to each student pre-course commencement (at orientation).  Students are provided with an induction to the course to outline the learning and assessment processes, support services and other relevant information during orientation.

Textbooks for the course for will be provided to the student. Students will read relevant sections of the textbooks in preparation for the face to face classes.  Students will attend a face to face classes for each unit at agreed stages throughout the course.  Students may contact their trainer for support/ assistance outside of scheduled face to face contact times.

Not Applicable

Some units are assessed stand-alone and some are clustered for assessment.

Students commence undertaking summative assessment tasks once the relevant teaching/ learning has been completed and they have been provided opportunities for formative assessment.

Students will undertake assessment at either:

  • 1/167 Beavers Road, Northcote, VIC 3011 or
  • 10/87 Hallam South Road, Hallam, VIC 3803

Each unit of competency assessment includes assessment methods in accordance with unit of competency guidelines, principles of assessment and rules of evidence.  Students undertake assessments to demonstrate competence against the assessment criteria in each unit.  Students attempt each assessment in turn until competency is demonstrated against all unit requirements.

Students will be informed of assessment processes and methodologies pre-enrolment and at orientation.  Assessors will provide copies of the assessment tasks in accordance with the assessment schedule and discuss the assessment requirements with each student prior to them attempting each task.

To be assessed as satisfactory for each assessment activity, student responses must be correct answers or reasonably correct answers for any open questions. Students must demonstrate satisfactory performance in each assessment task to be deemed competent in the unit.

Students will be provided with opportunities for re-assessment if they fail to demonstrate competency during assessment tasks.  In certain cases, students may be advised to re-enroll in further training before re-attempting assessments.

Assessment submissions are marked S – Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory and verbal and/or written feedback provided.  Unit results are recorded as C – Competent and NYC – Not Yet Competent.

Assessment methods may include Observation activities involving Demonstration or Role-plays, Short answer questions, Multiple choice questions, Written assessments, Projects and Simulated assessment environments.

Upon successful completion of the 36 units of competency, students will be issued an AUR30620 Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology qualification and a record of results that indicate the units successfully completed. Students who successfully complete some but not all of the units of competency in the course will be issued a Statement of Attainment detailing the units they have successfully completed

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Automotive Course